Emmanuel the Emu Had the Most Dominant Weekend

FOLKS! Im not gonna lie it was another great weekend here in WNY. The weather was again outstanding (but not unbearable like many claims or complain about for Summer) and we had great MLB action and a back and forth Golf Major event to keep us entertained. It would be easy to have missed Emmanuel the Emu taking over the internet.

Emmanuel the E-Who you ask? Oh no big deal, just an emu with a knack for the camera that would make Kim K jealous.

20 MILL!!!!!! You see, Emmanuel doesn’t just “steal a scene”…he doesn’t just “steal the show” my man CONQUERS THE CAMERA. HE FREQUENTS THE FRAME. And that’s the greatness of Emmanuel. Just like Hulk Hogan entering Hulkamania, or Kel preparing for another orange soda binge, Emmanuel requires zero variety (similar to most Two and a Half Men episodes) to be the ultimate showstopper.

Where will Emmanuel go next with his newfound fame? Seems like he could have a streaming deal in the works…

In the meantime, I can’t wait to see what Emmanuel does for a second act. Shoutout Knucklebump farms, and bottom line no cap TikTok is redonk