This is like the fourth time I feel like I have said such a statement since I started my trip, but I have never been so certain that Idaho is a must-visit.
I had a 12-hour drive yesterday from eastern Montana to Boise Idaho, and I was expecting to hate every second of my rural drive. Boy, I couldn’t have been more wrong about that. I’d never driven that long before by myself, and I was a bit nervous about how it would all go.
I cannot put into words just how picturesque the landscape was for the entire duration of that drive. The mountains, rolling hills, and volcanic rocks made it so difficult to keep my eyes on the road.
I’m not sure if it’s great PR, or if big Big Sky has somehow convinced me of this, but the sky definitely does feel bigger here (there is no way this is some sort of Pavlov thing right?).
I don’t know if it was the Alexander Keiths (god bless Duty-Free) talking to me, but that sky just felt bigger. This may be my dumb brain at work, but I am so convinced this is true.
I am not lying to you when I say I stopped around 10 or so times just to take in the beautiful scenery of Idaho. This has to be the most beautiful state I have ever been to, and I don’t know how it could be topped.
Pictures will never do it justice, but here are just some of my favs.
I could have taken 200 photos of different cool things on that ride, but I’d still be on the road if I did that.
I am not exaggerating (OK maybe slightly) when I say that my jaw was open the entirety of my ride. If I didn’t need to get to Boise that night I would have spent days just taking it all in.
For all of this, I have to rank this drive a whopping 9.4, a true must-drive if you are ever to do it.
But I am very happy I got to Boise because I got to see one of my closest friends, Athana. We met last summer when we studied abroad together in Cyprus, and she sold me on Idaho. It’s safe to say she beyond correct.
We went out at about 1 a.m. (after getting up at 5 a.m. and driving all day was honestly so much fun) and got a few drinks in downtown Boise.
Like I’ve been saying like every day on this trip, seeing friends I don’t normally get to see just means the world to me. I am so excited to spend a full day with Athana and in Boise and get to experience so much more of the great state of Idaho.
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