WhaT’s TrainWreck WaTching? Loki Episode 2: “The Variant”

What’s up all you varaints, we are back with our favorite God of Mischief as he sorts out the TVA and the variant that is troubling the timelines. Maniac, Majka, and Casali Files break it all down. Also on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-trainwreck-watching-loki-episode-2/id1161947471?i=1000525865528
Fantasy Baseball: Three Players You Need to Pick-up Right Now! (Week 10)

BY: SOME GUY NAMED STEVE Folks, we are nearly halfway through the fantasy baseball season and although the waiver wire may look bleak at first glance, I am here to give you some lower owned players to target in your leagues. This week we have two red-hot bats for the Indians as well as a […]
Vlad Guerrero Jr destroys a car window with batting practice home run

Everyone who has driven in Downtown Buffalo and used the Oak Street I-190 entrance has had the thought of a baseball being hit at their car as they navigate beyond the left field screen. One lucky (or unlucky, but I’d LOVE for Vladdy to hit me a home run even if it destroyed my window […]